Lazy Monday at Misty Cliffs. More ukulele and wave watching.
Week filled with the mini shop! Thursday advanced yoga class pain! Great to see Catherine again, and also to see Anette! Remaining videos one after the other with mom (The affair of the Necklace, Serena, Oyster Farmer, Amazing Grace). Wednesday morning rendezvouz in Cape Town Central to check out a second-hand record store. Met Brian, the owner and had fat chats. Left with R600 worth of records! (Carike ontmoet Groep Twee (wrong record in sleeve), McVicar soundtrack, Don Francisco live, Rubber Soul, Hollies best of "Everyone's invited" (turned out to be re-recorded), Springbok radio silver jubilee album, SKY Masterpieces, and Mike Batt Synphonia).
Also bring back the two children's records dad bought me (they turn out to be a little disappointing), Kimera's Lost Opera (absolutely fantastic, as it has the remix that i know on side B, and side A is the mix i grew up with), Francesca Napoli and Graceland from mom's collection.
Joined the D&D evening with the group! Princess Lena, dwarf and axe-handler extraordinaire is born :) Saturday Photo albums, and then off to Nes' for intensive mini shopping. Craft so hard my head hurt! Wax doughnuts, chilled freezers and fridges, total mini happiness.